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Gunslinger Gril is put out by FUNImation. theres a total of 13 episodes with three DVD's. There are romers of coming out with more including something called "The Elsa Project". Look back for more information about that. Belwo is the list of episodes and summerys coming soon.
DVD 1 |
DVD 2 |
DVD 3 |
1. Fratello: (Sibling)
6. Gelato: (Frozen)
10. Amare: (To Love)
2. Orione: (Orion)
7. Protezione: (Protection)
11. Febbre Alta: (High Fever)
3. Ragazzo: (Boy)
8. II Principe del Regno Della Pasta: ( The Prince
12. Simbiosi: (Symbiosis)
4.Bambola: (Doll)
of the kingdom of Pasta) |
13. Stella Cadente: (Fallimg
5. Promessa: (Promise)
9. Lycoris Radiata Herb: (Be Struck off Herb)
Star) |
** Note that the first is the origional french title and the one in a different color is in english this is the same order as the DVD's along with the pictures.**
Last updated 1/30/2006